Saturday, July 4, 2009

Oh, God. Go Back

Things will be messed up on this post b-c it is set for another language. This will probably be my last post here in Europe, but I will finish my stories upon mz return. The subject line is a quote. Yesterday Suzanne and I went to the Prague Castle. Disappointing. Will explain why more later. Suffice it to say for now that it was not what we had paid a lot for. We had to walk down to join Marty and Hannah at a mirror maze. The journey to the maze is reallz the interesting part, but no time now. Anyway, poor Suzanne saw two guys within the span of two hours expose themselves on our journey. Somehow I was spared the sight of this...Thank goodness. I did find a church to attend an English mass on Sunday==the Infant of Prague church has one at noon. Many stories to come, including explanation of above quote.


  1. Can't wait to hear all of your stories!! Ummm...except for the stories about the naked men. I'll pass on that.

    Love you, Kerry Marie! Travel home safely!

  2. I always found Masses in English so refreshing after trying to fumble my way through in a different language. Try as I might, I could never really sing along or read the prayers from a book with any sort of skill when it was in a different language.

    I almost feel like I'm traveling with you. The stories you share make me think so much of the time I spent in Europe.

  3. I'm so glad you're keeping this blog! All the crazy in between time really makes for the best stories. I mean the big sight-seeing is also awesome, but seriously, what happens on the way to and from those places is what you will remember most :)
    PS, I can appreciate your frustration with the different keyboards! When I went to Italy, I finally got so irritated with it that I just said forget this crap and stopped spell checking. :)
    Have fun on the rest of your trip!
    Love, Anissa :)
