Thursday, June 25, 2009

Covered in bugs like ash

The past several days have passed swiftly, as though it were all one day. Presently I am typing on a Hungarian computer . . .the y and z are in the opposite places on the keyboard, and apparently we use the letter y in our language more than I had realized. If I make a mistake, please forgive me.

The flight over deserves a short comment as we had to make an unexpected stop--in Gander, Newfoundland. Some lady on our flight became sick evidently, and we had to stop to get her medical help. Haven't caught it yet, though. A flight attendent yelled at me as I offered to take a picture for a man who sat near me. She didn't want him to get out of his seat to snap a photo, so when I offered, she flew at me, grabbed me, and said, "Don't encourage him!" Gee, lady, I was just trying to help both of you be happy.

Sleep on the plane is not to be recommended. Only sheer determination and some sleeping pills enabled me to get any rest. As it was, I woke up about 5 or 6 times at least.

Suzanne and I found our way more or less easily to the hostel where we met Hannah and Marty, but we promptly left again to go to another place with more space. Last night I slept on a futon mattress on the floor with a haphazard mix of bed sheets and a flat pillow. All but the comforter was clean. The comforter seemed to smell a bit like wet dog. There is a British couple staying with us who seem quite pleasant.

Today we visited the Statue Park, which houses the old Communist statues. We also went up to Castle Hill and toured around Matthias Church. We've walked a hundred miles it seems, but it's a pleasant enough day, except for the humidity. As we walked across Margit Bridge to get to this place of internet usage, I found myself covered in what appeared to be flakes of ash--from where I know not--but then I realized they were small bugs. Yuck! I'm hoping for some gelatto and a good beer later.

Side note--many young people carry fanny packs here.

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